New2 Card
Have you ever been a newcomer to a new place? Were you frustrated with the settlement? Were you always wondering what is going on in the city? "
New2Halifax card is here to help! We consider newcomers are immigrants, students or employees from outside of Nova Scotia, and travelers. The New2Halifax card contains a list of special discounts (attached below) for newcomers from local businesses, resources, and events.
are eligible to register the New2Halifax Card?
Newcomers have to show the landing time (Flight/ID card time/landing paper and others) to buy the New2Halifax Card at a $10 price.
The eligible time to be considered as a newcomer is 2 years after landing.
to use the New2Halifax card?
The card does not have any deposit function. Cardholders will have the discount once they show the card when they pay the order.
One card is only for one individual; family and friends have to get their own card to get the discount.
The card is non-transferable, and partners have the right to verify customers' identities.
The card is a 1-year term; if the card is lost, the cardholder has to buy a new one.
to get the New2 card?
Customers can choose online order or buy at selected partners' stores.
Shipping fee will be paid by customers.
Customers have to sign on the card to active the discount.
New2 Card Parnter List